If you want to know how to say cool, you can ask a friend or friend of a friend. They’re the ones who will show you how to say cool or cool like. Maybe their favorite song is in your head. Or maybe they’ve been listening to your favorite song since they were little and you just need to know exactly what you’re saying in this sentence. Whatever the reason, this is a great way to start the conversation.

If youre asking a friend for cool, that friend is probably a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend who knows so many cool things. Thats probably why theyre cool.

Call of a friend is an extremely general term for a person with an unusually high level of social skill. This person is the one you are most likely to be able to talk to about anything, and theyre typically the best person to talk to about anything, which is probably why theyre cool. A friend of a friend is someone a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend may have met at a party or some other social gathering.

My friend of a friend is one who has an incredible amount of confidence in his work. Someone who has never had a hard time believing people are stupid, who never tries to be the best, and who will always get the job done.

I’m glad that our friend of a friend is a cool guy, because if another cool guy is telling you that your project sucks, you might want to just bite your tongue. Most people I know have no problem admitting that they suck and just try to make everyone else better.

Yeah, you know what I mean. It takes a lot of nerve to admit that you suck. But you can also be a cool guy and admit that you suck. I used to have a lot of trouble admitting that I suck because it meant I was a failure. But I’ve learned that I suck less because I have more confidence that I do suck.

People who say they don’t suck don’t acknowledge that they do suck. They say they don’t suck because they don’t believe they suck, but it’s really much more than that. People who say they don’t suck also don’t believe that they suck, they just don’t. Not because they are liars. But because they can’t believe they suck.

People who say they dont suck are just not willing to acknowledge how they suck. You see, people who say they dont suck are just not willing to admit how they suck. It makes you wonder if they really suck. It makes you wonder how anyone could tell. But a lot of people still say they suck, so theres that.

If you dont suck, you can’t suck. So there must be some sort of standard way of saying you suck. And its not good enough to say “i suck.” Its better to say “i suck at something.” Because then you reveal you suck.

There is a big difference between saying you suck and admitting to it. Saying you suck is just telling people that you suck, but admitting to it is stating it. Saying you suck is like saying you suck at basketball, but stating it is like stating you suck at basketball. Saying you suck at basketball means you suck in basketball terms, but saying you suck in basketball terms means you suck basketball-wise.