I’m sure you’ve seen this before, but it’s important when you’re searching LinkedIn. Just like you didn’t type in your first name, you wouldn’t type in your last name, unless your first name is “John” and your last name is “Smith”.

In the new LinkedIn beta, if you want to change your username, you have to do it in the search box. This has been explained to me as being for people who dont want their names to be on a list of contacts for the account. The only reason I would do this is if your first name is John Smith and your last name is Smith.

I have no idea why LinkedIn would care if you dont type in your full name, but they do this for a reason. You might want to think twice before changing your email address or phone number, for example.

The only reason I would change my password is if my phone number is being used to call my friends, or to connect to a specific address.

I think the general rule is that if you type in your email address or phone number, LinkedIn will assume you’ve forgotten. That’s why you can set up your password to require a pin number. It also means you can’t use the same password for your email address, phone number, and password for your password recovery.

I do have a link-buddy I can use for some time now just to remember me. I also get to see how many of my friends have had a link-buddy, and I remember being able to click on it. I also see a very helpful link-buddy in the comments from a friend.

Ok, so this is a bit more complicated than I let on. LinkedIn is a service it’s own, so it will look as though you have an active LinkedIn connection if your profile is not empty when you open it. In that case however, it won’t know you’re not there, and the system will assume you’ve forgotten.

So if you have a LinkedIn profile, or any other type of social networking profile, you need to go to your profile and click on the “Edit Profile” button under “My Links”. This will give you the option to add a new link, or to delete a link. The most important thing to remember is that no one has the right to make your profile private. No one has the right to tell you they have a link and you have to go check it out.

Again, the idea is that by telling LinkedIn you have no links to your profile, they can’t make you sign up for a new one. And by signing up for a new one, LinkedIn can make sure you don’t have any. Again, don’t think it’s that easy.

We do want you to have a link. But when you sign up for a new one, it’s the end of the line, right? We have a couple of good sites that you can check out, and we are doing a lot of research into what we can do to make it easier for you to sign up for a new one.